2023-02-22 22:50:58 浏览数:0
职 称: 副教授 |
学院系所: 生物化学与分子生物学系 |
学科领域: 生物化学与分子生物学 |
联系电话: 0532-58957532 |
电子邮件:dongchaohua@qau.edu.cn |
通讯地址:青岛市城阳区长城路700号 |
个人简介: |
生物化学与分子生物学专业博士,副教授,硕士生导师。近几年从事植物病原与宿主的互作机制和植物生物技术研究。 |
教学情况: |
主讲《基础生物化学》、《基础生物化学实验》等课程。 |
科研方向: |
科研项目: |
(1) 山东省自然科学基金, zr2022mc143,苹果炭疽叶枯病抗性基因的鉴定与功能分析. 2023.01-2025.12,在研, 主持; (2) 科技部, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 2021yfe0104200-3, 苹果抗轮纹病基因挖掘及分子标记开发应用, 2021,07- 2024.06, 在研, 主持。 |
代表性论文: |
(1) dong c, li r, wang n, liu y, zhang y, bai s*; apple vacuolar processing enzyme 4 modulates fruit disease resistance and is regulated by cysteine protease inhibitor, journal of experimental botany, 2022. 73(11):3758-3773 (2) zhou h, bai s, wang n, sun x, zhang y, zhu j, dong c*; crispr/cas9-mediated mutagenesis of mdcngc2 in apple callus and vigs-mediated silencing of mdcngc2 in fruits improve resistance to botryosphaeria dothidea, frontiers in plant science, 2020, 11: 575477 (3) lv l, liu y, bai s, turakulov ks, dong c, zhang y.a tir-nbs-lrr gene mdtnl1 regulates resistance to glomerella leaf spot in apple. int j mol sci. 2022, 23:6323. (4) wang n, liu y, dong c, zhang y, bai s*. mdmapkkk1 regulates apple resistance to botryosphaeria dothidea by interacting with mdbsk1.int j mol sci. 2022, 23:4415. (5) chen q#, dong c#, sun x, zhang y, dai h, bai s*; overexpression of an apple lysm-containing protein gene, mdcerk1–2, confers improved resistance to the pathogenic fungus, alternaria alternata, in nicotiana benthamiana, bmc plant biology, 2020, 20(1): 146 (6) zhang w#, dong c#, zhang y, zhu j, dai h, bai s*; an apple cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel gene highly responsive to botryosphaeria dothidea infection enhances the susceptibility of nicotiana benthamiana to bacterial and fungal pathogens, plant science,2018, 269: 94-105 (7) bai s, dong c, zhu j, zhang y, dai h*; identification of a xylogluc an-specific endo-(1-4)-beta-d-glucanase inhibitor protein from apple (malus × domestica borkh.) as a potential defense gene against botryosphaeria dothidea, plant sci, 2015.2, 231: 11-15 |
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