


    2023-02-28 22:47:10           浏览数:0

职    称: 副教授

学院系所: 生命科学学院

学科领域: 发育生物学





赵明辉,农学博士,青岛农业大学生命科学学院副教授。毕业于韩国忠北国立大学。曾在韩国农业振兴厅畜产科学院担任博士后研究员及专门研究员。 长期从事犬科、猫科动物体细胞克隆和体细胞重编程机制的相关研究。于2016年独立克隆出首只精英工作犬。突破韩国在在该领域长达11年的技术垄断。并于2018年建立了世界首个犬科动物早期胚胎体外培养体系。2020年获得猫体细胞克隆个体。共以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表sci收录论文17篇。申请专利1项。











崔香顺, 金南衡,金永勋, 赵明辉,lee seulki,权赫佑,许永泰。 pn130657, tsa人工控制猪卵母细胞体外成熟技术。韩国知识产权局。



no, j., m. zhao, s. lee, s. a. ock, y. nam, and t. y. hur. "enhanced in vitro maturation of canine oocytes by oviduct epithelial cell co-culture." theriogenology 105 (jan 1 2018): 66-74.

zhao, m., t. y. hur, j. no, y. nam, h. kim, g. s. im, and s. lee. "ascorbic acid increases demethylation in somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos of the pig (sus scrofa)." asian-australas j anim sci 30, no. 7 (jul 2017): 944-49.

zhao, m., s. lee, d. h. kim, j. no, y. nam, s. a. ock, y. g. ko, and t. y. hur. "dog cloning with in vivo matured oocytes obtaining using serum estradiol levels for predicting time of ovulation." theriogenology 107 (feb 2018): 109-14.

zhao, m. h., y. x. jin, s. k. lee, n. h. kim, and x. s. cui. "artificial control maturation of porcine oocyte by dibutyryl cyclicamp." animal cells syst (seoul) 18, no. 1 (feb 2014): 52-58.

zhao, m. h., n. h. kim, and x. s. cui. "glutamax prolongs the shelf life of the culture medium for porcine parthenotes." theriogenology 85, no. 3 (feb 2016): 368-75.

zhao, m. h., s. liang, j. guo, j. w. choi, n. h. kim, w. f. lu, and x. s. cui. "analysis of ferrous on ten-eleven translocation activity and epigenetic modifications of early mouse embryos by fluorescence microscopy." microsc microanal 22, no. 2 (apr 2016): 342-8.

zhao, m. h., s. liang, n. h. kim, and x. s. cui. "mll2 is essential for porcine embryo development in vitro." in vitro cell dev biol anim 52, no. 6 (jun 2016): 699-704.

zhao, m. h., s. liang, s. h. kim, x. s. cui, and n. h. kim. "fe(iii) is essential for porcine embryonic development via mitochondrial function maintenance." plos one 10, no. 7 (2015): e0130791.

hui, l., w. ning, y. rongjing, y. shen, y. bao, c. jian, r. wenzhi, l. shuang, and z. minghui. "first deliveries of felines by transcervical transfer of in vitro-cultured embryos." theriogenology 193 (sep 13 2022): 30-36.

li, w., h. xu, y. yin, w. shen, q. y. sun, and m. zhao. "in vitro production of canine blastocysts." theriogenology 135 (jun 11 2019): 164-68.

li, w. d., c. j. zang, s. yin, w. shen, q. y. sun, and m. zhao. "metformin protects against mouse oocyte apoptosis defects induced by arecoline." cell prolif  (jun 17 2020): e12809.


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