


    2023-02-22 23:09:15           浏览数:0


职    称: 副教授

学院系所: 生命科学学院

学科领域: 乙烯信号转导、小麦耐盐





硕士生导师,主要从事乙烯信号转导和小麦耐盐方向的研究。主持科研项目5项,其中国家自然科学基金2项、教育部留学基金1项、山东省高校基金1项、横向项目1项,累计经费55余万元。以第一作者或通讯作者在plant physiology、food chemistry、plant growth regulation等sci杂志发表论文10篇,以第一作者身份获得发明专利3项。在国际学术会议7th annual world congress of molecular & cell biology (cmcb-2017),11th world dna day (wdd-2021),和world biotechnology industry conference-2021上做过3次英文报告介绍交流自己的研究结果。现任plants等杂志审稿专家、山东省科技特派员、山东省植物生理学会理事。











马倩; 刘新; 侯丽霞; 张岁芳; 葡萄早熟基因vvwrky13在调控植物中乙烯生物合成中的应用, 2020-02-28, 中国, zl201710311119.4.

马倩; 金尚卉; 一种乙烯诱导的bahd酰基转移酶erat1基因及其应用, 2022-07-08, 中国, zl202010321271.2.

马倩; 金尚卉; 一种乙烯诱导的bahd酰基转移酶erat2基因及其应用, 2022-07-08, 中国, zl202010321272.7.


feng x#, ma q*. transcriptome and proteome profiling revealed molecular mechanism of selenium responses in bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.). bmc plant biology. 2021,

ma q#*, su c, dong c*. genome-wide transcriptomic and proteomic exploration of molecular regulations in quinoa responses to ethylene and salt stress. plants. 2021, 10: 2281

ma q#, zhou h, sui x, su c, yu y, yang h, dong c *. generation of new salt tolerant wheat lines and transcriptomic exploration of the responsive genes to ethylene and salt stress. plant growth regulation. 2021, 94: 33-48

ma q#*, dong c. regulatory functions and molecular mechanisms of ethylene receptors and receptor associated proteins in higher plants. plant growth regulation. 2021, 93: 39-52.

ma q#, shi c, su c, liu y *.complementary analysis of the transcriptome and itraq proteome revealed mechanism of ethylene dependent salt response in bread wheat (triticum aestivum l.). food chemistry, 2020, 325:126866.

ma q#*, yang j. transcriptome profiling and identification of the functional genes involved in berry development and ripening in vitis vinifera. gene. 2019, 680:84-96

ma q#*, yang j. transcriptome profiling and identification of functional genes involved in h2s response in grapevine tissue cultured plantlets. gene and genomics. 2018, 40:1287-1300

hao j#, ma q#, hou lx, zhao fg, liu x*. vvwrky13 enhances aba biosynthesis in vitis vinifera. acta societatis botanicorum poloniae. 2017, 86(2):3546

hou lx#, zhu d#, ma q, zhang dd, liu x*. h2s synthetase atd-cdes involves in ethylene and drought regulated stomatal movement. science bulletin. 2016, 61 (15):1171-1175

ma q#, zhang gk, hou lx, wang wj, hao j, liu x*. vitis vinifera vvwrky13 is an ethylene biosynthesis-related transcription factor. plant cell reports. 2015, 34(9):1593-1603

ma q#, du wy, brandizzi f, giovannoni jj, barry cs*.differential control of ethylene responses by green-ripe and green-ripe like1 provides evidence for distinct ethylene signaling modules in tomato. plant physiology. 2012, 160:1968-1984

barry cs#*, aldridge gm, herzog g, ma q, mcquinn rp, hirschberg j, giovannoni jj. altered chloroplast development and delayed fruit ripening caused by mutations in a zinc metalloprotease at the lutescent2 locus of tomato. plant physiology. 2012, 159: 1086-1098



地址: 邮编:266109 亚博bbin真人的版权所有:青岛农业大学生命科学学院

